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Fondazione Dalmine organises exhibitions, events, and guided tours designed to share with a broad audience the value of the cultural heritage stemming from the company’s long history and extensive archive. Each exhibition, ideally organised in collaboration with cultural institutions, showcases documents and archival photographs through various thematic paths, consistently emphasising the connection between industry, cities, and people.

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Fondazione Dalmine oversees two significant book collections: the current library and the historical company library, together housing approximately 10,000 volumes.


La Fondazione Dalmine pubblica ricerche, studi e monografie incentrate sui temi della storia e della cultura industriale

The current library houses approximately 8,000 volumes, much of which comes from the 2009 donation of the library of Duccio Bigazzi, Professor of the History of Industry at the University of Milan. As a result, it is a highly specialised collection focused on the history of industry, business, and labour.

The collection also includes an extensive selection of publications on photography and industrial architecture, as well as manuals and essays on the preservation of industrial heritage and the connection between business and culture. In recent years, book acquisitions have expanded to include new themes aligned with the Foundation’s evolving activities, such as innovative teaching, ecology, fake news, and literature for children and young adults.

The current library houses approximately 8,000 volumes, much of which comes from the 2009 donation of the library of Duccio Bigazzi, Professor of the History of Industry at the University of Milan. As a result, it is a highly specialised collection focused on the history of industry, business, and labour. 

This collection of books, magazines, and pamphlets is closely linked to the archival documentation, both in origin and in the topics covered, and serves as a valuable resource for activities promoting business culture.

The libraries of Fondazione Dalmine are accessible by appointment, both on-site and on-line via the national catalogue

Cultura News

Giovedì 7 novembre alle 18.30 Fondazione Dalmine presenta un podcast live dal titolo: «Dentro la storia, in un mondo che non legge». La puntata sarà realizzata da Peppino Ortoleva, storico della comunicazione, già professore ordinario di Storia e Teoria dei Media all’Università di Torino, Andrea Borgnino, responsabile Podcast Originali RaiPlaySound, coordinati da Astrid Serughetti, giornalista e podcaster, e proverà a capire come […]

Mercoledì 9 ottobre Fondazione Dalmine proietta il documentario “Nel mondo animato”. Sarà presente il regista Paolo Parmiggiani. Un viaggio alla scoperta del mondo dell’animazione, l’arte che tutti conosciamo fin da piccoli e che ci permette di rappresentare ciò che è vivo o che sembra vivo. Dal teatro giapponese Bunraku, i cui pupazzi sono mossi con […]

Eventi e laboratori gratuiti per scuole e famiglie. 27 settembre | h 18.30-21.00 Fondazione Dalmine partecipa alla “Notte europea delle ricercatrici e dei ricercatori” con la serata Archivi senza tempo: la ricerca tra carta e byte: con la partecipazione di Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, Parco Scientifico e Tecnologico Kilometro Rosso, Distretto dei Gas della Vita […]